What is a Skin Laser Procedure?

What is a Skin Laser Procedure?

A skin laser procedure uses light energy to tighten the appearance of sagging or loose facial skin, smooth out wrinkles and improve the color and texture of your skin. It can also reduce the appearance of age spots, acne scars and other discoloration. It can be performed by a plastic surgeon, dermatologist or other physician with special training. Before the procedure, you and your doctor will discuss what you want to achieve from the treatment. Your doctor will also take a complete medical history and ask about any medications you are taking — including over-the-counter drugs, such as aspirin. If you smoke, you will need to stop smoking for two weeks before and after the treatment, as it increases your risk of side effects.

Your doctor will choose a laser for your skin type and the problem you are trying to solve. He or she may recommend ablative or non-ablative laser treatments. Non-ablative lasers are gentler on your skin, and you will recover more quickly than with a harsher laser.

The first step in a laser treatment is to remove the top layer of skin, called the epidermis. This allows the laser to penetrate deeper into the dermis, where it can repair damage from sun exposure and aging. Non-ablative lasers can also treat pigment problems, such as dark spots and freckles.선릉역피부과

Next, the laser heats the deeper layers of skin, stimulating new collagen and elastin. These proteins are responsible for firmness and elasticity. As the skin heals, it becomes tighter and softer, and the results can last up to one year.

Many patients are concerned that laser treatments will cause scarring or other permanent changes to the skin. But the good news is that lasers can be used very precisely, so your doctor should be able to prevent side effects such as scarring.삼성역피부과

Vivace is a unique, non-surgical procedure that combines two of the most advanced laser technologies: microneedling and radiofrequency (RF) energy. The RF energy heats the dermis to stimulate new elastin and collagen production. This tightens the skin and decreases the appearance of sagging and loose facial skin, while the microneedling activates your body’s natural wound-healing process to increase collagen production and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.


The Vivace procedure is an outpatient treatment, so you won’t need to stay overnight. You may need to wear an ointment to protect your skin until it heals, which can take up to a month. Your doctor will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your recovery. Until then, you should avoid sunlight and use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. You should also use a moisturizer. As your skin heals, it will have a pink appearance for several weeks. After two months, most people notice smoother and younger-looking skin. But results vary from person to person.